Reiki is a beautifully simple, yet powerful technique of energy healing discovered in Japan by Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. The word Reiki is made up of two Japanese words Rei meaning “Gods Wisdom/ Higher Power” and Ki meaning “Life Force Energy”. Reiki is not religious in itself and can be used to deepen your spiritual practice no matter your religious background.

The body is such an amazing system and is designed to seek balance and homeostasis. Sometimes we find ourselves stuck or blocked, decreasing the body’s ability to self-heal. Reiki softly and lovingly helps unblock and restore flow and harmony.

Your Reiki practitioner is there to help facilitate the energy healing, but not the source of the healing. Reiki is therefore free of ego and a beautiful, shared experience of energy healing between the practitioner and the client.

As Reiki helps balance the body systems, it has a beneficial effect on any ailment, be it physical, emotional, or spiritual. It works well in conjunction with other treatments and medical practices and can even decrease side effects of certain therapies such as chemotherapy.

I feel we undervalue the power in quietly holding space with love and grace for one another to bring up feelings of self worth and empowerment; these energies create so much room for healing.